This calculator produces a graph of rental prices from January 2006, helping you estimate how your rental property compares to similar properties in your area. The statistics are viewable by area, property type and number of bedrooms.

You can also see how rental prices have changed over time, to help gauge if your rental price needs to be adjusted.

To check your current rental price, simply enter your information below. While the rental statistics are accurate, results will depend on sufficient data sizes and the information you enter, so results are an indication rather than an accurate determination of market value. If there is no data in a particular month then the rental price will remain static until there is some data.

There are help buttons next to each entry to help you enter the right information. Remember that the quality of the rental is in comparison to other rental properties in the area, not to all property. An average property compared to all properties in an area tends to be a superior rental property.

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Find out how your rent stacks up

Property Type:
Actual Rent